University Advisory Council of the University of North Carolina (System) Records, 1968-1972


University Advisory Council of the University of North Carolina (System) Records, 1968-1972

From 1968 to 1972, the University Advisory Council served as liaison between the President of the University of North Carolina (System) and the faculties of the constituent campuses. Consisting of the chancellors and the faculty advisory committees of the individual campuses, the Council expressed faculty attitudes on matters of systemwide policy. In 1972, with the reorganization of the University System, the Council was reconstituted as the Faculty Assembly. Records of the University Advisory Council include meeting agendas and minutes; the Council's charter and bylaws; and assessments of Council activities.

Items: 250; Linear Feet: 1.5


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From 1968 to 1972, the University Advisory Council served as liaison between the President of the University of North Carolina (System) and the faculties of the constituent campuses. Consisting of the chancellors and the faculty advisory committees of the individual campuses, the Council expressed faculty attitudes on matters of systemwide policy. In 1972, with the reorganization of the University System, the Council was reconstituted as the Faculty Assembly. From the description of ...